Ti’n ddoniol @lornarhodes
That’s great. Thank you. I will be there on the 13th barring an unexpected event!
Clare, I’m sorry but the Deganwy group has decided to go with another walking group. So, no meetings until further notice.
There will be a meeting at the Castle View in Deganwy on Monday 3 June 12.30 onwards.
Lots of great ideas and events. As a supply teacher, I’d invariably be turning up as and when but thanks for the info, will bear or in mind!
Hi all,
Will be on holiday 14th-20th July near Conwy. Would be great to join a meetup for some practice just that once. Does anyone know of any that will be active that week, preferably in an evening?
Geoff Bache
Shame you’re not there on 13th as @nia.llywelyn will be in Llandudno for a Welsh Learners walk around Llandudno. I’d be happy to meet up for conversation over a coffee. Best day for me would be Tuesday evening.
I’m happy to meet for a chat too. I don’t know of any evening groups during those weeks
Hi Geoff. There’s a Facebook group detailing a number of local groups, someone on there may be able to advise you if they’re meeting. It’s called Panad a Sgwrs dysgwyr Cymraeg - Gogledd Orllewin Cymru. Equally there may be people on there happy to meet and chat with you.
Thanks for the friendly replies. Unfortunately I’ve only just realised that I wasn’t being notified about them, am assuming this was because the topic was only “tracked” and not “watched”. I’ve joined the facebook group mentioned by @lizzieharrison, hopefully will manage to join a meetup next time I’m visiting.
Hi Clare, I’ve been doing SSiW for a few months now and have just come across this thread. I’m not far from you over in Colwyn Bay. Did you manage to form a local SSiW group in the end? Would love to join if you have
Hello Sue. I made a few enquiries but didn’t take it much further. It seems so many people leaf busy lifes and folk all want different times etc. I’ve not totally given up the idea and may look into starting a group in the future if there is enough interest. I have managed to find other local groups of learners (not spefically SSiW but with SSiW ers amongst them) and first language speakers who have an interest in supporting learning. I can pass on details of you would like.