Latest from Glamorgan Welsh for Adults Centre

Here’s the latest news from Ifan Dylan - the Informal Learning Officer for the Glamorgan Welsh for Adults Centre. As I get emails from Ifan I’ll keep posting in this same thread so you can come back and find what’s on. The walks are particularly recommended - always a good outing and a chance to use your Welsh - but this time of year it’s all about carols:

The Learners’ Carol Service: Ton-teg
11am, Tuesday 9 December.
Salem Chapel, Ton-teg.

Carol Evening: Merthyr Tydfil
6pm, Monday 8 December, Soar Cenre, Pontmorlais.
£1 (includes mulled wine and a mince pie).
For more information: 01685 722 176.

Carol Service: Gilfach Goch
6pm, Sunday 14 December, Moreia Chapel, Gilfach Goch.

Carol Service: Porthcawl
6pm, Wednesday 17 December, Tabernacl Chapel, Porthcawl. With Adran ac Aelwyd Porthcawl.

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