Language Maintenance: Learning Second while Keeping First

There are two older threads about language maintenance, but since I got a warning when I started to post in them, I’m creating a new one. For reference, the older threads are as follows:
Language Maintenance
Keeping more than one language alive and well

I’ve been learning Welsh for a while and am at the point where I can understand it fairly well without reaching for a translation tool, but speaking it still can be a bit difficult for me. I’d like to start learning Spanish…especially since a lot of people I interact with speak it. I’m on lesson 21 in the Spanish course, and I’m wondering how people keep learning and improving their iaith ail cyntaf while taking on a new language.

I’m especially interested in methods for people who don’t have a lot of time during the day, like me. I work in IT so listening to anything in another language during work is a no-go. Pretty much the only time I’ve got is when I’m walking or driving to/from work, the days I’m on dog walking duty and time here and there on the weekend.


I’d love some tips on this too please. (am trying to resurrect some French). One suggestion that I had heard was to learn the new language via the most recently acquired language hence an earlier suggestion of an SSiW French using Welsh but we have to wait a bit for that I think. SSiBorg needs to be ready first.

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?is it SSi Borg or Berg?

Oh, sorry, that’s probably the forum software being a little over-enthusiastic… :slight_smile:

I would recommend the listening exercises for this - but we haven’t published them for Level 2 Welsh yet - when they’re ready, they’ll be a very handy ‘quick run through almost everything in just 5 minutes’ kind of deal.

In the meantime, I’d personally think in terms of running through the last lesson of Level 2 once every month or two…:slight_smile:

SSiBorg as in “Say Something in …” mixed with “cyborg”.

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