Does the second C in Seleccionados cause the first C to sound like an English K “Seleksionados” or is the cc just stressed? Gracias
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It’s pronounced “ks” (or “kth” depending on dialect).
(Just out of curiosity – how do you stress a consonant? I thought only vowels can be stressed or unstressed )
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I read somewhere that first of cc is a k then a c.
In Hola Lola just came across " Calefacción" Central heating. 118
@Alan-Clifford a much used word at the moment in my flat -
- ¡Hace frío! ¿Has puesto la calefacción?
- Sí, ¡he puesto la calefacción!
- (grumble, grumble) ¡Todavía tengo frío!
Stressed probably wasn’t the right term, I didn’t mean it in a grammatical rule way. “emphasised” maybe?
Thanks for clarifying the pronunciation
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