
Just wondering ( and hoping) that ssiw will introduce a materials to teach Italian in the future?

I can tell for sure that steps forward have been made in this direction. :wink:

I’m confident that at some point (hopefully not too far away in time) it will be available!


Thank you for news re Italian. I’m looking forward to using the ssiw method to improve my spoken language. It’s the best method of learning for me.

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Delighted to read that both French and Italian courses will be available very soon and intend to use them as well as continuing to keep my Welsh going …but I am struggling to access the elements of ssiw that I find most useful.and automatic which is superb now just plays the same sentence over and over for me. It will not move on. What am I doing wrong? I have uninstalled the app on my old android phone and installed the latest app but automagic is still repeating the sentence on which it starts.

Also the new app tells me that I pay a subscription of £3.95 (correct) which started in May 3023- incorrect. I started my subscription in 2011. I would however be more than happy to increase my subscription if automagic works properly for me and/or pay for the new courses when I can access them.

Please can you help me? I admit to having next to no knowledge of computer skills and no confidence in using technology.

Diolch o galon


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There are a number of glitches with the new roll-out which are being sorted out, so have a look at this thread Big news - exciting times - finally, finally we're moving on other languages - #316 by gisella-albertini - one of the tech guys may have already have posted a suggestion to fix this, but I’ll also tag @rich so that he is aware of your post here.

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Hi @judithwalsby

Ok, this sounds a bit odd but I’m sure we can get to the bottom of it…

Firstly could I ask you,whether you the App you are using looks like the picture below?

Which course you are using - Welsh - North or South?

Where do you see that subscription start date - normally there is only an expiry date, that is why I ask.

Rich :slightly_smiling_face: