Is this a correct translation please?

That I wanted = bo’ fi o’n i isio

Can you give us the whole sentence?

I was crudely just putting together 2 phrases from the Challenge Course;

bo’ fi – that I
o’n i isio – I wanted

I guess there are too many “I”'s in there.

It ought to be right, but bod is really tricky and, in this context, the present and the past are the same.

I think (that) I want a cat. Dw i’n meddwl fy mod i eisiau cath.

I think (that) I wanted a cat. Dw i’n meddwl fy mod i eisiau cath.

In English we often omit the ‘that’ in a sentence and that’s half the work in Welsh, remembering to put in the fy mod i, bo’ fi, etc.

But, in true SSIW style, don’t worry about it. It’ll probably come up in a future lesson.

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Many thanks for your help.

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