Is there a certificate, exam or test that I can take to show what level I am at?

Firstly, thank you for the latest incarnation of SaySomethingIn – I’ve just started working at the council (yes, I can say all that in Welsh!) and I find the course brilliant and very well designed, structured and paced.

However, in my appraisal today, my line manager wanted to know what level I had reached, to figure out if the course is “value for money”. I think it is, because I’m very happy learning Welsh again. Question is, are there any Welsh exams or tests out there that I can take so that I can show where I am at?

Thank you!

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If you email dysgu cymraeg and ask for help finding out what level you are at, they should send you a link with some listening exercises that will give you a rough idea. Unfortunately the links they sent me are out of date.
This will only give you a rough idea but the ull dysgu cymraeg courses do correlate to a qualification level.

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You can sit WJEC/CBAC exams at all levels, but they’re not held very often and you have to register quite far in advance.

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There is this, which says it needs permission to use, but I don’t know how you go about getting permission. You could try emailing them for more information.

The Learn Welsh Level Checker

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The Summer WJEC exams are happening this week & next for all levels. We had to register around Feb. For Mynediad you can also sit exams in Jan. I believe you need to register around Nov for that one - the details will be on the WJEC site at the start of the Autumn term. If you only wish to sit the Prawf Siarad, this can be done entirely online (& the results can be carried forward for a year if you sit the other three papers for that level - Gwrando, Darllen & Deall, Ysgrifennu).

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This is, of course, not really related to what SSIW provides, as the BBC one is concentrating on written Welsh, where SSIW concentrates on the spoken language.

Are there any Welsh speakers at your place of work? Can they vouch for your improvement to your manager?

Or perhaps you could ask your local Menter Iaith group to assess you, or to put you in touch with somone willing to assess?

Pob lwc.


Are there any Welsh speakers at your place of work? Can they vouch for your improvement to your manager?

It has to be something vaguely formal I’m afraid!

Or perhaps you could ask your local Menter Iaith group to assess you, or to put you in touch with somone willing to assess?

Thank you, will follow that up :slight_smile:

Email sent, thank you :slight_smile:

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Fab, will start checking, diolch :relaxed:

Fantastic, thank you, will check this out :slight_smile: