Introducing Peter H - confidence

Really this is to find out how the forum works.

I first learnt some spanish working in Andalucia in 1970 . More recently I have been to South America and get by by being as confident as i can - a bit like a bull in a china shop. I watch the eyes of the target of my conversation and when they cloud over or go blank I try again a different way. Works OK up to a point but heaven knows what butchery I do to syntax and grammar on the way.

Ive only done two sessions but have found them useful and I think this method may work well for me

Great to hear Peter - confidence is key - and this course will boost it enormously, I’m sure.
I like your imagery of bulls and butchery - no one gets hurt if it is confined to language only :wink:

Thanks for stopping by at the forum Peter and sharing your story with us. I’m Gaby, the male Spanish speaker of the course. I’ll be interested to hear your experience speaking the language if you go back to South America after using the course for a while. I bet you’ll easily pass for a local resident if you get any of my “porteño” accent :smile:

All the best,

That sounds like the ideal approach to language learning :sunny:

And a very warm welcome to the forum… :thumbsup:

No 3 bobsleigh - If you dont have 5 friends to hand but do have a dictaphone you can record one half of the conversation,play it back, interjecting the other half. Then repeat with the other half .

Sad, maybe, but better than nothing

I’d say that’s very creative and gets extra brownie points!

I’d also say that if you can keep it on the backburner and do it with a real person at some stage you’ll get even more benefit, from the way it forces you to produce your Spanish with someone else listening (whether they speak it or not) - but your workaround is excellently imaginative :thumbsup: