Inbox problem

Is anyone else having a problem with their inbox? I have a phantom message in mine, but when I click on it it just comes up with the message “We’re sorry, but something went wrong. If you are the application owner, check the logs for more information”. It’s happening in PC and iPad. How do I get rid of it? It’s not causing any practical problems at the moment, as I rarely use my inbox, but it’s annoying.

That does sound irritating - sorry about it - may be the kind of glitch that isn’t very easy to figure out (since we use a third party piece of software for the forum) - but I’ll tag @kinetic just in case he has a chance to squint at the logs… :sunny:

Thanks. No desperate rush though - I don’t think I have a flood of mail waiting!

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Just to check - do you mean the inbox here on the forum, or on our main website (the latter being generally used for ffrinDiaith)?

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It’s happening to me too; it’s the inbox here on the forum.

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For me it’s the inbox on the website. Forum messages are fine.

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Sorry, I meant the inbox on the main site, same as Isata.

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Oh good, that’s much more approachable. I’ll get to it as soon as I can. :slight_smile: