Hi, I have a problem with the Web App
In French I have to start every day at the beginning, after about 45 min. of skip I reach the point where I was, but the next day I have to start again with je veux.
In Welsh North I have to start when y teulu cyfan ( the whole family) is introduced. I can listen to the following sentences and skip, but the next day I have to start again with the teulu cyfan.
Italian works fine until now.
Can you please help me ?
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I know that the Tech Team have been looking into your situation @brigitte as it is displaying some anomalies that aren’t happening for the majority of people. I’ll mention to @rich that you’ve given some additional information here.
Nadolig Llawen
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Hi @Deborah-SSi and @brigitte
Yes, I’ve just replied by DM to Brigitte. We will have a look at your account Brigitte.
The App is able to deal with intermittent signal in general use but there are a couple of points which are critical - loading the course itself (obviously) and the progress download.
In time, the App will be able to work standalone.
In the short term we are working on tweaking it to deal better with these trouble spots.