In The Beginning

I am now at week 11 on the initial course.
So far I have managed to drop back by three weeks (should be on 14) due to work commitments but I am working at MY own pace. I have to congratulate the team as I find the construction of the lessons to be excellent.
I have been teaching professionally (pro landscape photographer and writer) for over 40 years now and the didactic method works so well. I find that repetition of the same words in different phrases is a great way to learn and adapt. Don’t get me wrong, I am far from perfect but it is going in this old noggin! I don’t quite have the immediate thought process to convert and I am slow at working out what to say and how to deliver it but I do it. Placing intonation into speech is so important but that can wait for now. As an Ambassador for Eryri and an Englishman, I felt is was incumbent of me to learn. I have been coming to the North Wales since I was 5 (now 66) and have always found I have a very close bond with the people and the mountains. It was inevitable that I would learn but amazed it has taken me all these years to start. I was at a very well known Betws hotel a few weeks back and most of the ladies there are welsh speakers. I decided to give it a go! They were delighted at how well the construction of sentences that I delivered were. It made my day! I know that I am a million miles away from being considered a welsh speaker but I now feel as if a proper journey has begun. Diolch yn Fawr!