Will anyone be around in Caerdydd next Wednesday evening - 25th July? I will be working during the day and staying in a B&B in Cathedral Rd that night, so if anyone is available it would be good to have a get-together - perhaps in the old Mochyn Du? I know it’s fast losing its reputation as a pub with Welsh-speaking staff, but we might get lucky.
Let me know if this happens. I’m going to a sgwrs session in Pontypridd on Wednesday at 7, and staying overnight on Swansea, so I’d definitely pop over for a Diet Coke on the way back if people are around
I will bus in from barry and say hi.
Diolch @Nicky and @Macky! Will anyone else be around? I could have someone with me who is currently doing the 10-day Intensive course - 2 days at a time. He will only have had his 3rd day, but he’s going quite fast so he may be interested at diving into a conversation opportunity
As @Macky will be coming in on the bus, and the Mochyn Du doesn’t seem to be very Welsh anymore, does anyone want to suggest somewhere more central?
I’d definitely be up for this. It would be great to see you again Dee
OK, it’s looking like the hen Mochyn Du will be the best place. My intensive learner won’t be with me, but another friend from Pontcanna is thinking of coming along, so a little group is gathering.
Anyone else in the Caerdydd area that fancies joining us, just drop by anytime from 7.
Is this still happening? Still in Ponty but if it is happening I may still possible on way back. Happy either way
6 people in the pub looking at dee’s disappointing calamari…
I’m not there any more, just FYI. Dee insists the calamari was nice though
Well, I managed to pop in at the end. Was great to see so many familiar faces, even some faces I’d only seen from watching the 6MWS videos!
I didn’t realise people were thinking this I only ordered a starter as I wasn’t very hungry but wanted a little something, so it was perfect for me, and it WAS nice!
It was great to catch up with people again, especially when I missed them at the Bwtcamp Therapy Weekend, and extra nice to spot Naomi - one of our 6Month learners - walking past. She usually lives in France and I recognised her from hangouts we’ve had, but she’s working in Cardiff at the moment and completely randomly happened to be in the same pub at the same time. She said the only Welsh conversation she’s had so far has been with a colleague from Brazil so she was glad to have the chance to chat with us, and @Sylv got a bit of French practice in with Naomi’s husband. Never let it be said that we’re not an international bunch!
Once I’d finished all the crunchy rice my Vietnamese salad was pretty nice.