I'm considering starting a blog I have started a blog

… yn Gymraeg, wrth gwrs.

Very little idea about the technicalities but I would like a domain name that ends in .cymru.

Any ideas about how to go about it? Cheap, or free, of course.

You have to find registrar (the site which offers domains) then purchase it with it. No domain is for free I’m afraid and I don’t know how much they cost in UK. You can also go to make a blog with WordPress or Blogger and purchase domain with them but I’m not sure if they offer .cymru domain though.

In Slovenia domains are offered from 8 - 10 € + hosting if you’d like to host domain with the registrar which costs from 16 - 24 € a year depends of what services do you want/need.

For the blog WordPress is the best idea I believe but (I’ve just checked) they don’t offer .cymru domains so you’d have to register .cymru domain elswhere first and use it with WordPress additionally. WordPress service plans are as follows.

without custom domain you wish (.cymru). For .cymru domains, searching through Google I found only this:

or even better … this


I hope this all helps at least a bit.


Not much content yet!



Dw’i wedi darllen dy flog di,da iawn, dal at I, dwi’n edrych ymlaen I ddarllen mwy. Llongyfarchiadau.

I see you’ve managed to do popeth (ah, … all I mean. :slight_smile: ). I already feel this will be great blog with great content. :slight_smile:

Diolch yn fawr pawb. Thank you all.