Taswn i + Baswn i (the -en ending is equally valid)
Taset ti + Baset ti
Tasai fe/hi + Basai fe/hi
Tasen ni + Basen ni
Tasech chi + Basech chi
Tasen nhw + Basen nhw
e.g. tasen nhw’n ennill digon o arain, basen nhw’n prynu tŷ
Taswn i + Faswn i ddim (the -en ending is equally valid)
Taset ti + Faset ti ddim
Tasai fe/hi + Fasai fe/hi ddim
Tasen ni + Fasen ni ddim
Tasech chi + Fasech chi ddim
Tasen nhw + Fasen nhw ddim
e.g. tasai fe’n ennill digon o arian, fasai fe ddim prynu cwch
Taswn i + Faswn i? (the -en ending is equally valid)
Taset ti + Faset ti?
Tasai fe/hi + Fasai fe/hi?
Tasen ni + Fasen ni?
Tasech chi + Fasech chi?
Tasen nhw + Fasen nhw?
e.g. tasech chi’n ennill digon o arian, fasech chi’n prynu ceir newydd?
And isn’t another version of the Southern “byddwn i”, “fyddwn i ddim” etc?
No wonder it sometimes feels like lucky dip whenever one opens one’s mouth to speak…!
The southern course uses bydden in place of baswn but you’ll hear both in the south, so it’s fine to just pick the one you prefer and go with that, while understanding people who use the other version.
I have recently done courses online with teachers from Cardiff and Swansea. One insisted that we should always use byddwn. The other used baswn. People have their preferences.