Iechyd Da ! Good Health

A new opportunity on Welsh Speaking Practice to discuss health and fitness in Welsh.
It’s going to be fun. Come and join us. Lycra not essential !! :rofl::rofl:
This group has started with Ffit Cymru on S4C but you don’t have to follow the programme to be able to join in.
6pm every Wednesday on WSP


I will join in when I can. xx


Great iniative, menter yn grêt, @nia.llywelyn, @aliC… I am somewhat in a creative soup of possibility now in my locality Dudley-Oldbury-Brum. I have no wish to be neglectful, but would love to get going really in my own milltir scwar, or however you write that expression! Dw i wedi cawlio, in the nicest sense:

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PS @nia.llywelyn, @aliC, and all in Caffi Alys for St David’s Day and Owain Glyndŵyr celebrations - thank you. So good to have seen you both there. And @Tricia & hubby, sorry name gone again, & Nia’s Meg & family, @Deborah-SSi, Natalia (?), Bronwen, et al…


Good to see you too Lorna :penguin:

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milltir sgwar :slight_smile:

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Thanks everyone who came to the IECHYD DA hangout last night.
After we finished talking about toilets we went on to have a quiz on sugar.
Wythnos nesa…
Next week/ quiz on the heart and blood
Cwis ar y galon a gwaed…

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Diolch i Karen am y cwis heno,
Mwy am y galon wythnos nesa’!

Thank you Karen for the informative quiz tonigh at 6. More about the heart next week :heart:

Why not join us at 6:00 pm next Wednesday


Llun neis - nice pic of van… Giving you ideas to decorate your camperv? Samvan extraordinaire… Van o Galon…

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