Well, got a phone call this morning asking if I wanted to take part in today’s Garry Owen show “Taro’r Post” on BBC Radio Cymru this afternoon. I agreed because it was a subject I feel strongly about - earlier in the show they were talking about the role of Welsh Language Commissioner, but by the time it got to me it became more about using your Welsh out in the wild and whether companies should do more to encourage staff to speak Welsh etc.
The whole hour is a good listen, but if you’re looking for me specifically - I come in at around 37minutes.
Apologies for not putting this up in advance, but they were a bit “We might come to you, we might not depending on how the debate goes” this morning.
I was surprised to see how many SSIW’ers were listening live, as I’ve got a fair few messages already - so well done you lot!
I’ve been doing the Northern course for the last few months so if I sound a bit more Machynlleth than I did last time you heard from me, do excuse that!