I am hoping that a fourth SSiW Level may come

Hello - Just wishing that there was a SSiW level 4 . I just realise there is so much more that we really need to know to master the language. Please…

That said - I seem to have convinced a first language Welsh friend that I know a lot more than I really do. Her conclusion was that I am very conversant with the language but it has got rusty since childhood which I feel very proud about. Sadly I know it isn’t like that yet but I really want more. Hopefully Sion Corn will grant my little wish…;.


That’s interesting! I’ve heard before that SSiW learners give that impression as their pronunciation tends to be better than people expect from a learner. Da iawn ti!


With respect, I don’t think you need another course. I think you just need to find more people to speak to. It’s all there, it just needs to come out. :wink:


I am generally relatively OK with welsh pronunciation but that is probably because I am used to Welsh place names more than anything. I think she was more surprised that I could put a random sentence together rather than some standard phrases.

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The website has access to the old course materials. Old course 3 is focused on verb short forms. I did old course 2 and 3 and found them extremely beneficial.