I think everybody feels this at the beginning, and it’s probably inevitable – you are taking on a lot of new information. But it really does get easier as you learn to adapt to SSiW’s method.
You can make this easier by realising that method is based on the fact that your unconscious mind is better at this than you are!
You think that nothing is sinking in – I felt I was a complete idiot at times – but your subconscious mind is learning all the time, and especially when you make mistakes and then correct them. That’s why it’s so important that you say something during the pause, even if you’re not sure: you’ll hear the correct version and your mind will take that on board, and eventually, that will become fixed knowledge.
(It’s a bit confusing, because the instructions in the challenges tell you to move on when you can do 80% correctly, but these were superseded as SSIW learnt more about the method.)
The advice now is that you do each challenge no more than two or three times, then you move on. You only go back to previous challenges when you’ve ploughed on through at least five. In other words, you ‘chunk’ your learnign in groups of five, then review that chunk before moving on to the next.
So, in your case: do C2 once more, then move on to C3. Do that two or three times, then no matter how well or how badly you think you’ve learnt it, move on to C4 and then C5.
Only when you’ve worked through C5 should you go back to C1 and work through them all again.
If you’re anything like me, you’ll be astounded just how easy you find C1 (and C2-5…) and how much time you have to answer.
That’s partly because by the time you get to C5 you’ll have repeated the material in the earlier lessons so many times that it’s become second nature, but it’s also because your mind has become accustomed to the material subconsciously so you can answer a little more automatically).
You won’t get everything right, but you will find it all very much easier than you did the first time around and correcting the mistakes will seem a whole lot more natural.
Of course, you will feel a bit lost at times with this method, but just accept that and trust that your subconcious mind is taking it all in, and that it will make sense during the recap. You’ll make much better progress than if you obsess about getting each individual challenge ‘right’ before you more on.
Yes, this is counter-intuitive, and it will feel difficult at first – but commit to trying it for a week or two. You’ll lose nothing and it may be the key to getting the most out of SSIW – it was for me.