How to quote on the new forum

I was wondering how you quote other people’s replies on the new forum?

I manually copy and paste what I want to quote and put an arrow “>” and the persons name “Phillip said:” in front of the quoted text…to get this…

Phillip said: I was wondering how you quote other people’s replies on the new forum?

Hope this helps…:slight_smile:

Hi, Phillip – Simon wrote a super-useful guide to a number of formatting things, here.

To quote, you ‘copy’ the text you want to quote. (In Windows, one way to do that is highlighting it and choosing control-C.) Then go to your new email, type > and the name you want to attribute the post to, some separator like - or :, and then paste the quoted text in (on Windows, control-V works for that). Then just make sure you hit return to leave a blank line after the quoted material, and you can start writing.

Edit: Wps, Vaughan answered first!

Thanks for the replies, let’s try, >Phillip said: I was wondering how you quote other people’s replies

Ermmm I guess i did something wrong?

The structure is this:
----Post starts here----
GREATERTHANSYMBOL(>) Text you want to quote
Your new text goes here
----Post ends here----

Text you want to quote

Your new text goes here

I think in your post you didn’t have the > starting on a new line, which it must :slight_smile:

Use the > at the beginning of a line Phillip. You can use the ‘Preview’ button to check your post before posting…:wink:

Ahh that’s what I did wrong,

Phillip said: rhybeth rhybeth rhybeth