How to Format your Post

How to Format your Post

I’ve noticed that Ifan has provided us with Markdown formatting for posts, which is far, far nicer than what we had before. Here is a “Markdown Cheatsheet” that explains how to produce italic, bold, lists, links, and some other cool stuff. I’m not sure yet how much Markdown is supported, but I’ve tried a couple of simple commands and they all worked.

Simple examples:

  • *italic* makes something italic
  • **bold** makes something bold
  • [Click here]( makes a link like this: Click here
  • Using a > character at the start of a paragraph will block quote that paragraph
  • Use a dash - at the start of a line to make the line into a list item (use a series of them to make a big list)
  • Headings, as in the big text in this post, can be done using the hash # character. One hash gives a main heading, two for sub-headings, and three for sub-sub headings.

Have fun!

Fantastic info, Simon, diolch yn fawr!

alt text

Ooo! We can post images!

Just use the formula

![alt text](http address of image) and-

alt text


Edit- oh. Hang on. Shall have another go.

alt text

Right, there we are. Sorry, with no preview button, having to do this stuff online!

Use an exclamation mark, followed by the lower case phrase “alt text” (without quotation marks) in a pair of square brackets, directly followed by the http address of the image in round brackets.

If anyone is interested!

Will this support “Paste”,

ie, can people format their post in a word processor and then copy and paste here.

Cheers J.P.


A brilliant discovery!

Diolch yn fawr iawn Simon!


@Rambling John

I just pasted from somewhere else for the address of the image. I can’t see any reason why you couldn’t do exactly as you suggest!

Yeah, it’s Markdown, but much as I’d love to take the credit, that was actually Jo’s doing - I only discovered the fact myself by reading the code. :slight_smile: I’ve been meaning to look into whether it supported images, but never got round to it, so thanks for finding that out Simon/Owain!

I’m totally lost on this new forum format :frowning: and I don’t know where to put this question so I’ll put it here! How do I “quote” someone’s comment in a thread?? I can’t figure it out!

Jen, type > and then type the name and a spacer if you want( say, Kinetic -), then use copy in whatever way is native to your device, then paste the text into the new post and put in a return (ie, a blank line). Hey presto!


Diane: Jen, type > and then type the name and a spacer if you want( say, Kinetic -), then use copy in whatever way is native to your device, then paste the text into the new post and put in a return (ie, a blank line). Hey presto!

Ok that worked–diolch Diane! Fussy though–I thought it was so much more straightforward in the old forum…also not liking the inability to preview–I wouldn’t have had to post my “test” if I’d had it! sigh

Tahl Hey presto!

I just try what you suggested to see if I can do this.

It works, thanks Diane.
Yes, what Jen says. I miss the preview button, too.

Agreed, i didn’t realise how much i used the functions of the old system and now miss them.
is there a way the old post reply window could be a plug in here including the insert/format
functions. (not that i know much about computers).

Cheers J.P.

One thing I personally enjoyed about the old forum was…making my posts look nice…with smiles and italics, bold, quotes etc.

Now, although the basic functions here work well on most of my equipment, these formatting functions are much too complicated.

Vaughan: One thing I personally enjoyed about the old forum was…making my posts look nice…with smiles and italics, bold, quotes etc.

Now, although the basic functions here work well on most of my equipment, these formatting functions are much too complicated.


One advantage to the quote on here is that on the old forum you got all the quote and had to delete what you didn’t want. On here you select what you do want.