How Long Will It Take?

I’m using AutoMagic for Spanish and really enjoying it! I’m 5 hours in, and I’m just curious how many more hours the entire program is.

I’m only 40 minutes in, and enjoying it, but it’s feeling a bit endless at the moment. By comparison I did the Cymraeg (Welsh) SSI course and each of the lessons was about 30mins long. I’m wondering how to measure my progress, so your question is of interest too. How long is the whole course and is it broken down into discrete lessons?

With the Automagic, it could take shorter or longer depending on the difficulty setting. You could look at the vocab lists on the old challenges to give you a better sense of where you’re at and how much you have to go

The Tech Team are still adding material into the Spanish AutoMagic course, but as @joshua-gardner says, you can use the Vocab Lists from the standard Spanish course to give you an idea of what you’ve covered.

This is a direct link to the first Level 1 Spanish lesson:

The regular SSi Spanish course has two levels, and both have been incorporated into AutoMagic. So that’s roughly 25 hours of material.

Thanks, everyone! That gives me a good idea of the length of the program.

… but, I’m at almost 21 hours and doing the vocab from lesson 15 of the first course. That would put me on a course to finish all 50 lessons in about 70 hours! (Yes, I know I’m moving really slowly.) Stick to feeling “good” and you’ll get there a lot quicker than me.