How do you say ‘great great grandmother’ in Welsh (not grebe)

I’m asking for a friend. I’ve looked on Ap Geiriaduron. It offered to search the internet and offered me a recording of a Great Crested Grebe! I am curious for myself, and future generations of those who have llond llaws of their own right now. As I said in the Big Party thread about the wristbands & name badges:

“All through the world people will carry their SSiW memorabilia and 50 years hence, on tv antiques-trading shows, people will gasp - you mean YOU (or your mam/tad/ great great grandmother)” was there?

The sound file in question:

Ah, the joys of the internet! :smile:

great-grandmother in Welsh is hen nain (northern) / hen fam-gu (southern)
and for great-great-grandmother you just add another ‘hen’ (hen hen nain / hen hen fam-gu).

So it’s not grebes but hens! :wink:


Diolch yn fawr iawn @siaronjames!

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Or you can go for ‘gor’ - gorhennain, gorhendaid… :slight_smile:

Gorhendaid is also one of the hobbits in one of Tolkien’s extended genealogies, which is one of my favourite fact-lets ever.


Pretty sure that’s Gorhendad, which unfortunately demotes it from factlet to factoid - but I’m prepared to be corrected :slight_smile:


I played a SSiW lesson & listening practice to a friend who is tempted by / contemplating study in Aberystwyth… Her comment was (genuinely naïve on that matter, I think) “It sounds like something out of Tolkien how you say that…” I don’t recall what exactly we were listening to at the moment, sadly, but there you go, out of the mouths of innocents on Welsh language/Tolkien matters…


Dammit. I now NEED confirmation. Pics please… :slight_smile:

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No pics, but I’ve got you a link here:
But the good news is that the GPC has an entry for gorhendad (sic), glossed as, amongst other things, ‘ancestor’. Since Gorhendad Oldbuck was the ancestor of the Brandybucks it must be a deliberate reference - presumably in line with Tolkien saying that some of the Dunland words and older hobbit words were related to Westron ‘in a way we might feel to be reminiscent of Celtic elements in English’ (or words to that effect) - hence place-names like Coombe.

So tl;dr - you’re quite right, but there’s no ‘i’ in Gorhendad Oldbuck.


…And this is one of the many reasons I love SSiW, and the internet in general.

Can you believe, in the olden days we just used to have breakfast and go out without learning any obscure facts about the etymology of names in Tolkein?


Sssshhhh… there are young people here. They don’t need to know about that darkness.

Now I feel like scolding the Brandybucks in general (but to be entirely honest, that’s nothing new).