How do you learn new vocab?

I got a some lovely Welsh books for Christmas and they all have lots of shiny new vocabulary in. But, how best to learn it?!

I’m generally pretty terrible at learning new vocab, so I’m wondering how everyone else does it. Do you just hope stuff sinks in or do you have a particular methodology for learning new words?

Something I do is to try and use the new word straight away, repeating it in as many different sentences as I can think of, and also to picture something related to the word (and if it’s a noun, for example, to try and couple it with a mutation at the same time to learn the gender). It’s not foolproof - the words can still escape me - but it often helps.

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One thing I’ve done in the past is ‘lines’ – writing out a bunch of different sentences using the word. Takes ages if you have lots of words though!!

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At Uni we were given huge lists of vocab to learn. I made flashcards for each one, which was a bit laborious and didn’t work all that well, to be honest, so I find having some context to the words rather than trying to remember them in isolation is a much better way to go. If you can find a set phrase with some in that really sticks, that seems to work best.