Hola.. usted

6 weeks in dysgu Sbaeneg. Listening to a podcast on Spotify “LightSpeed Spanish " its actually really good. The second episode is dealing with a topic addressing beginner’s of most languages, the alphabet.
Two questions have arisen.
Apparently the d at the end of a word is never hard as in English " instead, head’ but rather not pronounced pronounced as a double dd… also the letter V or moreso the sound of the letter V is almost always a B. Like " Voy a” pronounced as Voy a. Can anyone clarify these two points for me.

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Helo / Hola Alan

I’m a Spanish native speaker from Argentina, I also speak welsh fluently, it surprised me to read welsh in your post.
Regarding to your questions, what you said makes sense to me. Specially in Argentina we pronounce V as B’s and also we don’t pronunciate d as hard as in English they are. Also, I come from south Argentina and there is very common to not to pronounce the last S letters in a word, we aspirate them.

I hope this will help you.


Gracias Virginia
Thats what i took from the podcast. Thanks for confirming it for me. Ill definitely listen more intensively to the alphabet lessons again. Then appear very useful. May i ask why you were surprised to see Cymraeg in my post?


It’s the same in the Basque Country, @Alan-Clifford, e.g. “Madrid” is pronounced like “Madrydd” if you write it like Welsh, and people ask if my name is spelt with “B grande” or “B pequeño” in the middle. If they don’t ask me at all, they write it as “Devora” :joy:

I recently read an article for Spanish speakers to help them remember when it should written as be “b” and when “v” in words, as they sound the same.


I would say the d at the end of the word is ‘soft’ in the same regions that the ‘c’ is ‘lisped’, namely central Spain (Castille). Additionally, if we’re using Cymraeg as the reference, then that sound is more ‘th’ than ‘dd’

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Thanks Kieran :+1: