Err - thanks, but no thanks. Do you have a rapid turnaround of drive belts?
Absolutely brilliant! I cannot draw a cake as good as that, never mind animate it!!
Thank you!
With a little digital magic of animation and masking everything is possible … however there still some effort is needed though.
Talent is what is needed, Fach, and is what I lack!!!
There are other talents in you, I’m sure.
I’m not Tatjana, looks interesting though.
Well, I’ve asked because they once had the same campaign and I remember one fearly young girl (about 11 or so years) growing her own garden (despite of a bit of oposition from her family) and going each day to the market to sell the products besides going to school every day. They also have campaigns like “Poverty is sexist” etc …
And you don’t need to anymore these days - there are some you tube clips for elo records played backwards:
Many thanks for this. It sounds very much like something which would go very well with the aids to enjoyment which i “never inhaled” in the 60s (well nearly never)