Help understanding the offering

Hi, I’ve been browsing the forum posts and some web pages but could do with some help on what the options are for a beginner. I create a login so I have a bit of the “one sentence” approach to try. I don’t know how long this goes on for before I have to subscribe, I watched the video on the 6 minute course, the link there to subscribe takes me to the page for “Your Automatic Welsh Tutor” but it’s not too clear if this is the same course.
I have found the pages for Levels 1-3 (started an approx 30min lessons without payment, but I see that the rest require a Premium subscription of £10 per month. Would this give access to the Automatic Welsh Tutor as well or is that a different product. The Arts council of Wales web site says “The Induction Course contains over twenty short lessons and exercises” and I understand this was the free element once, but I guess this is an outdated?
Is it possible to summarise the current offerings?
Finally I wasn’t sure what material the Android app would offer me (I couldn’t install it because it said it was made for an older version of Android (my phone is running Android 12 so not the latest) I wondered if there were plans to update the app. Many thanks!

Hi Paul,

Here’s a summary that @Deborah-SSi posted on a different thread (but I’ve tagged her here too so that she can elaborate if necessary)

The learning is based on the material presented in the Challenges. Until now there have been 3 different ways of using them - 1) independently, 2) at a rate of 2 Challenges per week with extra tasks given in emails (6 Months course), 3) at a rate of 1 Challenge per week with emails (6 Minutes a Day course)

Recently, a new methodology has been created - AutoMagic. This gives you the same material but in a constant stream so you can just do as much as you like, then continue from that point the next time. It also gives you the flexibility of choosing whether you want to learn more slowly with more repetitions, or move more quickly through the material.

These are all available for the same standard subscription, and you can choose the method that suits you best.


Just to add to the above - Android updated their operating system and made the old Android app obsolete. It only gave you quick access to the audio files which you can find on the website and download at mp3s anyway, so you aren’t really missing out on anything.
The Tech Team is currently working on a new Android (and iOS) app which will give you the flexibility of AutoMagic. That currently runs in a browser as a ‘web app’.

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Thanks everyone for the helpful replies.