Help, I'm looking for a song

Not sure if this is the right place for this question, but I was listening to Aled Jones on Radio Cymru today and he played a song I liked, by a female singer whose name I didn’t catch. All I know is that the song is called Ban Ban (I think!) but nothing is coming up on an internet search. Just thought I would check if anyone knows the song and could point me towards it? Not much to go on, I know… but I suspect that someone on here will know the answer! Thanks in advance and fingers crossed.

Could it have been bang bang by Cadno?

The link should take you to today’s show listing and from there you can find what tracks were played.

That’s the one! Spot on Theresa, thank you so much. I found the Amserlen link today but couldn’t work out on my phone if it was possible to see the previous day’s schedule. Enjoying it on YouTube right now :slightly_smiling_face: