Helo again Cymru

It’s been several years since I posted on here! And it certainly feels that way.
After I left Caerdydd I went to the South of England as the jobs in my field were limited in Wales.
However I never lost the Welshness that I built up over the years. In fact colleagues at work still assume I’m Welsh as I can speak the language and always support Cymru in the rugby. Wales was and still is a second home to me, despite me having no genuine roots there. Those things will never change. In my flat I have a Cymru doormat and several Welsh related items inside. Y Ddraig Goch rules in my abode.
Learning Welsh is still a crowning achievement. It’s such a big talking point. When I met my other half, I just had to show off with my S4C interview and she now mentions it to all her friends and family!
I was never the biggest poster here, however I always perused the forum now and then once I moved away, and I still feel a connection with this site.

I see a few things have changed since I left- Apart from the three courses and the Bwtcamps, what are the other resources that the site provides?


Croeso nôl Mihil!

Yes, there are a couple of new things - there is now an “Advanced content” section with loads of listening practices, and there is also a workspace on Slack called “Welsh Speaking Practice” where anyone from anywhere can have chats in Welsh whatever level they’re at (to join that you need an invitation - just email admin@saysomethingin.com to ask :slight_smile: )
The Slack group is free access, but you may need to subscribe to see the advanced content because the free access to the courses has stopped now.

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Lovely to see you again, Mihil! And great to hear that you’re carrying your Welshness with you :slight_smile:

I can’t remember how long ago it was that you did the courses, so it may be the original Course 1, 2, and 3 that you’re referring to. If it is, we have a new version of those now - Levels 1, 2 and 3.

I’m sure you’d enjoy chatting in Welsh on the Welsh Speaking Practice that Siaron mentioned, so do send an email through to admin if you’d like an invitation.