Guardian article - Why Welsh should be taught in British schools

Just came across this on the Gruniad…

Interesting/provocative article that’s generating a predictable backlash below the line. Personally, I’d be more in favour of introducing Welsh history across the border.

I like it - although I think optional SSi time in school would work better than compulsory - but to be fair, the compulsory is obviously there to get people a bit worked up…:wink:

I read that earlier. I couldn’t get over how badly written it was. Presumably it only got published as troll-bait.

The article was as honest and provocative as one could wish for…similarly the excited reaction from the two young ladies working in the café next to Ilkley rail station yesterday when I thanked them in my (limited) best Welsh. Turned out they had never heard anyone say anything in Welsh before, face to face. Went on to explain how ‘Ben Rhydding’, the neighbouring village probably has a Brythonic/Welsh origin and they maybe tuned in to ‘Pobol’ later on as a result.