Going to make a video speaking in different languages and need someone to check the Welsh bit

Hello all, for a bit of fun I am going to make a video where I speak in every language I know, for about a minute or so per language, and I’d like to say a bit in Welsh in the video too. I have put together a few ideas for what I could say in the Welsh part, based on much of the vocabulary and structures I’ve learned with ‘Say Something In Welsh’, and I was wondering if anyone here would be so kind as to check it over for any mistakes.

It would be greatly appreciated by me. Please bear in mind when checking it that I’ve done the Southern Welsh courses here, although I have picked up some of the Northern dialect a bit too from exposure to the language. I mainly struggle with when to use ‘a’ or ‘ac’ for ‘and’, and the mutations. I’ve also played around with the tenses of the material from the ‘Say Something In Welsh’ courses so I need to be sure I’ve got it right. Many thanks!


Now I am going to speak Welsh.

Why did I learn Welsh? Many reasons! I come from England, and when I was a child I used to go to Wales often and I liked it there very much. Also, I think that it’s interesting, I felt like doing something different and I wanted a challenge.

I learned Welsh with ‘Say Something In Welsh’ and ‘Linkword Welsh’ and I was surprised at how much I learned in a short space of time.

I try to speak Welsh with friends when I have the chance, and I also like to watch television in Welsh.

I still need to improve (my) reading and writing in Welsh, but I’m sure I will be able to do it if I practice often.

I enjoy learning Welsh very much!


Nawr, dw i’n mynd i siarad Cymraeg.

Pam wnes i dysgu Cymraeg? Sawl reswm! Dw i’n dod o Lloegr a pan o’n i’n plant o’n i’n arfer mynd i Cymru yn aml a o’n i’n hoffi yn fawr iawn yno. Hyfed, dw i’n meddwl bod mae’n diddorol, o’n i’n teimlo fel gneud rhywbeth gwahanol a o’n i’n moyn her.

Wnes i dysgu Cymraeg gyda ‘Say Something In Welsh’ ac ‘Linkword Welsh’, ac o’n i’n synnu at faint wnes i dysgu mewn amser byr.

Dw i’n trio siarad Cymraeg gyda ffrindiau pan mae’r cyfle gyda fi a hyfed dw i’n hoffi gwylio y teledu yn Cymraeg.

Mae dal eisiau i fi gwella ddarllen a sgwennu/sgrifennu yn Cymraeg, ond dw i’n siŵr bydda i’n gallu gwneud er os dw i’n dal ymarfer yn aml.

Dw i’n joio dysgu Cymraeg yn fawr iawn!

Only a few tweaks needed Neil - mostly a/ac and mutations, as you said! I think I’ve remembered to do them all - if I’ve missed any, I’m sure someone else will pick them up.

Nawr, dw i’n mynd i siarad Cymraeg.

Pam wnes i dysgu Cymraeg? Sawl reswm! Dw i’n dod o Loegr a pan o’n i’n plentyn o’n i’n arfer mynd i Gymru yn aml ac o’n i’n hoffi hi yn fawr iawn yno. Hefyd, dw i’n meddwl bod hi’n diddorol, o’n i’n teimlo fel gneud rhywbeth gwahanol ac o’n i’n moyn her.

Wnes i dysgu Cymraeg gyda ‘Say Something In Welsh’ ac ‘Linkword Welsh’, ac o’n i’n synnu at faint wnes i ddysgu mewn amser byr.

Dw i’n trio siarad Cymraeg gyda ffrindiau pan mae’r cyfle gyda fi a hefyd dw i’n hoffi gwylio 'r teledu yn Gymraeg.

Mae dal eisiau i fi gwella darllen a sgwennu/sgrifennu yn Gymraeg, ond dw i’n siwr bydda i’n gallu gwneud e os dw i’n ymarfer yn aml.

Dw i’n joio dysgu Cymraeg yn fawr iawn!

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Nes i ddysgu, I think, and o’n i’n blentyn?
Also bod hi’n ddiddorol?


Diolch yn fawr! Your help was much appreciated. I really need to remember the mutations - I seem to do them naturally in speech, as I’ve picked them up ‘subconsciously’ from the SSIW lessons, but I forget them in writing sometimes!

Also am I correct that ‘and’ in Welsh is ‘a’ before a consonant and ‘ac’ before a vowel? That seems to be the pattern I noticed in the corrections.


Yup, exactly that! There are a couple of ‘anomalies’ where ‘ac’ appears to come before a consonant e.g. ac mae, but that’s because the vowel that causes it has dropped out but leaves the effect, but there aren’t too many of those (just let them become ‘second nature’ as they crop up :slight_smile: )

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