Here’s mine
Here’s mine
I forgot the ‘Cymraeg’ oops but none the less I’ve done it
Funny how when recording the words just seem to go out of your mind!
Here’s my question:
Hello @Novem I have posted my question in Welsh last week (I think) or the week before so I was just wondering if this had got picked up? Diolch
Novem has been on holiday - he’ll be back soon and will see your question, so you’ll soon have your green badge
Thank you, thought actually it was more technical error on my part again . Thanks
I’ve posted this fairly quickly after my other post to go ‘RED’ so hopefully going ‘GREEN’ will also get picked up in order.
Gwych, llongyfarchiadau @sally-rimmer, @LauraDI, @kevin-20, @stuart-henderson, @joanne-griffith
@sally-rimmer - Do you have your red badge recording somewhere as well? If you post it in the red badge thread and let me know here when you’re done, I’ll give you both badges at once
Posting my question:
Everyone’s having an amser da at the weekends now.