Brilliant answers all of you!!! You now have your BLUE badges!
Reply to Margaret
My answer to @daryl-2 questions.
Don’t know why I answered the two questions @daryl-2 asked, guess I like a challenge. I hope I answered them properly!
Here’s my answer to Catherine Simmons
Here is my answer to Linda Scott’s question:
My answer to oli-5’s question
My answer to oli-5’s question:
I don’t know whether I’m doing this right at all. This is my answer to Linda’s question “Beth wyt ti isio gwneud heddiw?”
Hi, my answer to rob-pascoe’s question
Btilliant answers @rob-pascoe @david-chirico @oli-5! You now have your BLUE badges!
I couldn’t find your recording @paul-rigby. But I take it that you tried to post and somehow encountered a technical hitch. So I’ve awarded you your badge anyway.
Hi Catrin, I’m hoping that this may have loaded correctly this time! Response to Oli-5’s question.