The requirements for hints and tips are pretty minimal as it’s a click and go system! …so…
…this is probably more of an answer to ‘how does it work?’ in case you are asked. The info below applies to both the 3 month and 12 month vouchers.
Redeeming the Voucher
If you have purchased a voucher you will see from your copy that there is a magic link.
When the recipient clicks on the magic link, it takes the user to a Web page, where they are asked to log in or register - whichever applies to them - depending on whether they have used the App before or not.
Having logged in or registered, the voucher code will have been applied - as indicated by a pop-up - and their subscription will be active.
That’s it! .
Load and Go
The user can pick a course and ‘go’ from this point, as they are logged in to the Web version. Many will prefer to use the Apple or Android App.
The user can download the App version from one of the Stores - see link below. Logging in with the same details on the App will pick up the subscription automatically.
Please bear in mind that if the user is already logged in somewhere else when the voucher is activated they will need to log out/ in again pick up their new subscription. Hopefully that makes sense.
The links to the App Stores and Vouchers are on this page here: