Garth Newydd has been nominated for the Welshest place in the world please vote

Garth Newydd has been nominated for the Welshest place in the World in a competition run by Bwrlwm Arfor. Over the last two years over 400 learners have spent time in Garth Newydd practising their Welsh across a Welsh Weekend, with SSIW Bwtcamps and with Live Welsh Weeks. We are proud to be nominated and it is important to us as it helps us get the word out to the wider community about the work we do and the opportunities for Welsh learners to practice and mix with Welsh speakers. From the moment you arrive at Garth Newydd, you leave your English at the door and spend your time there using the Welsh you have learned so far. People chat together, do tasks together, have fun and meet local Welsh speakers. It really is the Welshest place in the world. Having learned Welsh myself through saysomethinginWelsh, ssiwer’s are always welcome and fit in perfectly. There are currently 4 new weekends available one based around walking, one for map reading, quizzes and competitions, one based around the Lampeter show and one for more comfortable speakers.

The voting is done through facebook and to vote for Garth Newydd you need to click to comment and vote with a Green Heart. Redirecting...

Meanwhile -
Here are the latest weekends on offer at Garth Newydd. Welsh Weekends / Penwythnosau – Paned.Cymru


@CatrinLliarJones one for next week’s newsletter? (deadline for votes 5pm on Monday 03 June)

This is Emily talking about her Live Welsh Week in April.
She will be back next month if you’d like to join her

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