Gardening/Garddio Weekend in Welsh!

Do you like gardening?! :sunflower:And would you like to spend a weekend in a lovely part of Wales immersing yourself in the Welsh language?! :grinning: If so, come and join me for a weekend of fun and activities, in Welsh, centered around the theme of gardening!!
You don’t need to be an expert gardener or to know lots of gardening vocab, so no need to worry about that! The purpose of the weekend is to enjoy using the Welsh you’ve got, build confidence, learn new things with people of a similar interest, and enjoy the Welsh language! We’ve got some great trips arranged and you’ll be in a friendly, supportive environment all weekend with people who want to help you grow your Welsh, as well as your gardens!! :heart_eyes:
We’ll be staying at Marcus’s brand new centre for activities in the Welsh language, and I’d love to meet you there! :smiley:

Single room:
Twin or double:

And don’t forget, we have a gardening/Garddio channel on Slack in “WSP - Welsh Speaking Practice” and there’s a Gardening Chat “Sgws Garddio” every Friday morning at 10am. (Zoom link is posted on Slack just before it starts) so you can always pop in and meet me there, have a chat, and meet some other fellow gardeners! :smiley: