Gaming yn Gymraeg

I’m starting up a board/card/RPG group in Welsh in Swansea on Tuesday evenings. First sess is 18/02/2020 in Copper Bar. From 18:30 on…

Learners Welcome of course! (Of the language or games!)


When I was working in Quebec in 1985, I spent many evenings playing Dungeon and Dragons in Quebecois French. My French improved but my gaming skills didn’t. :smile:


One for the email @leiafee?

Aw shucks. I’m really jealous! :stuck_out_tongue:
Makes me want to pay Swansea/Abertawe a visit at some point. I usually only get to see Gwynedd when I go to Wales, but I do want to see more of the country - chasing games and gamestores is good motivation! :stuck_out_tongue:
Really nice initiative! :smiley:

Bump… Tonight :slight_smile:

Def should!

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Okay. Let’s try this again in the age of ‘hunan ynysu’…

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There are games in Tŷ Tawe Swansea on the 24th June (a Friday) and planned for subsequent months too. Last Fridays.

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What time @leiafee?

Oops from 18:00

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What’s the parking like round Tŷ Tawe?

There’s a small carpark just behind it up the alley

I’m on call for work so grounded :-/

Is the session still on or are you key to the whole endeavour?

Missed this sooner but nope it’s Tŷ Tawe run sess

That’s OK, went along anyway. Good selection of beer etc. too.


Good oh. I think the plan is for the session to run regularly. Will def try to be there next time.