Future tense

I have been learning the future tense, Northern.
So im coming across:
Bydda i’n mynd i’r gampfa, and the same structure for everyone else, statement forms, he will, she will, we will etc.
Then I’m also reading:
Mi fydda i’n i’r gampfa, etc…
And usually being told this ( as will all ‘Mi’ structures are optional!
Does it depend on who you ask about this, is it a North, South thing. This question seems to arise regularly. I know the Mi fydd i’n, structure seems slightly more difficult. But im just curious as to which structure to focus on, at least, in the first instance. As I’m sure that it would be best to be very aware of both.

The ‘mi’ particle is mainly used in the north by some people, so perhaps @siaronjames can give you more of an idea of how widespread it is in casual conversation. If I were you, I would concentrate on developing your Welsh without it, then if you get into a situation where people around you are using it, adjust your Welsh to match them then :slight_smile:

The equivalent in the south is ‘fe’ but I can’t honestly think of a time when I’ve heard people say it - definitely not in everyday Welsh.

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There are a mix of people I work with, all Welsh speakers, 1st and 2nd language from all over Wales. Of those from the North, I’ve only noticed a couple who regularly use the mi particle. (and of those from the South, again, just one or two use the particle ‘fe’).
When I’m out and about in town (Caernarfon), I can’t say I particularly notice if people it or not - probably because I’m listening to the sentence as a whole rather than picking out individual words.
Maybe one way to ‘test’ it is to listen to chatty shows on Radio Cymru and S4C and see how many times you spot it.


7Diolch yn fawr Deborah a Siaron, its just come up in a few discussions we have had during practicing. With both being touted as being used. I’ll get there lol. It just gets confusing sometimes, but iv been here before with Irish, so i have a good idea how it works.