Free videos

I used this website a few years ago. There was a course of free videos that people could use; I think it was the old version of the course or something and they made it freely available. They really helped me with my Welsh, but recently I looked for them again to practice and couldn’t find them. Have they been deleted? I’m on benefits and can’t afford the courses on here, but all the free Welsh courses I can find online (Duolingo, Clozemaster, YouTube channels, etc) just aren’t as good - I’ve completed multiple other courses already and still can’t have even basic conversations with ease. So I’d really like to use those videos again if possible.

If not, does anyone have recommendations for free (or at least cheap) Welsh courses? I’m interested in reading/writing more than listening/speaking but either is fine. Or, even better, does anyone know if this site has discounts on courses at any time? I did check in around Christmas / New Year in case there was a sale, but there didn’t seem to be.

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S’mae! Have you looked at the Dysgu Cymraeg courses funded by the Welsh Government? I think they have special rates for people on low incomes. They also recently had an offer to use SSIW for free also.


Sut mae. I have been making a few of them; I invite you to join my channel and tell a friend. :slight_smile:

Also: the “Now You’re Talking Welsh” series is all on youtube, and I find it very intuitive.

Yes, if you enrol in any Dysgu Cymraeg course at the moment, they have a special offer on giving free access to our website and learning material - not the structured course with emails and tutor support, but the audio files.

I don’t remember us ever having video versions of the lessons, we have a strong emphasis on listen and speak rather than reading/writing, but some of our learners sometimes made videos explaining different points. Nicky was one of those - e.g. How to talk football

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Diolch. I learned something new today. Am enrolled through the Dysgu Cymraeg scheme for a weekly course.