(Free Download) Cysill Welsh-language grammar, dictionaries and spelling checker

Thoughts on this Free Software from the Llywodraeth/Government?

Cysgliad is a software package that includes the Cysill Welsh-language grammar and spelling checker as well as the Cysgeir collection of dictionaries:

Cysgliad, Canolfan Bedwyr, Prifysgol Bangor University


That sounds fantastic. Iā€™ll be installing it the next time Iā€™m on my computer. :grinning:


Shame it wonā€™t run on mac os

There is a version for mac - Cysgliad i'r Mac


Yes, Iā€™ve used it on my Mac for a long time and found it really helpful. It will check your written work and explains any mistakes. I check everything I write and itā€™s so reassuring and encouraging when it accepts things without alteration. You learn best by having a go and making mistakes.

An essential tool - I wouldnā€™t be without it. Beats the Microsoft in-built Welsh grammar/spellcheck on a number of counts, and gives a little explanation why something might need to be changed as well. Like any computer grammar checker, it needs to be used carefully (itā€™s not infallible!) but definitely the best tool for anyone producing Welsh text.

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Why did I not know this?! I have it on my work MS laptop, and have been very much missing it on my personal mac laptop. Thank you!!!

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Oh yes, so there is! That will teach me to read the entire article :joy: Diolch Siaron!


Itā€™s a great tool to add to your kit, and can be really useful for spotting missing ā€˜mutationsā€™ etc, but itā€™s not infallible as @sara-peacock-1 pointed out.

I sometimes use it when I have a doubt about some grammatical point - I put the version I think it should be, and it gives me the ā€œno errorā€ result, so then I change it to be what I think should be incorrect, and it still gives me the ā€œno errorā€ result, which doesnā€™t help :joy:


I have tried to download this to my MacBook air. I get message that this 32 bit app is no longer compatible with present or future Mac OS software. It needs to be updated by the developer.
Just in case others are having problems.