If you are interested in Wales and things Welsh, and would like to join Michael Wiseman in forming a Munich Welsh Society, please contact him (mwisemanx@gmail.com) and let him know your interests: the Welsh language, literature, music, …
Note: this is not yet an SSiW practice group, just a monthly get-together of Welsh and other Wales fans. But maybe an SSiW subgroup could arise from it. I’m hoping it will!
So all are welcome
at 6:30 pm, on April 18, at the Dalmatiner Grill, Geibelstraße 10, 81679 München (Tel. 089 4704415).
@janetmackenzie might be interested. I’m not sure if she’s still on the forum, but I had the privilege of staying with her for a couple of nights, almost wholly speaking Welsh, in December 2017.
Hi @margaretnock and thank you so much for the tip! I am indeed still on the forum, though a shameful lurker, I’m afraid. Fond memories of my brain hurting after the two days of fluent (on your part) and abysmal) on my part Welsh on your visit!
I’m very interested in this group and have already been contacted by Michael W. who I actually already know from work, though we haven’t seen each other for several years.
Very much looking forward to meeting you on the 18th, @DavidG
All the best
Hi, aderyn. When Michael first posted his idea on the forum of the Munich German-English Association, I met him in a beer garden and he had draped a Welsh flag over his shoulders. So I imagine he’ll have it with him again tonight! And he says it’s only a small restaurant.
Hwyl am y tro. David G.