Flash cards

Despite having been learning Welsh for aaaages, I still sometimes find myself unsure of my auxiliary verbs, such as bod, hoffwn, leiciwn, etc. So, I’m slowly making some flash cards, which I’ll find a way to release once I’m happy with them. Though I’d really like some opinions on the design, if folks wouldn’t mind.

Here are four versions of the first one, with different ways to indicate affirmative, interrogative and negative at the bottom of the card.

Which version do you like the most?

Version 1

Version 2

Version 3

Version 4

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Hi Sue - what a great idea… But sorry, I couldn’t spot the difference.

The differences are at the very bottom of the card - where it’s green with two white (almost) boxes on the first one, green, with just white on the second, green purple and read on the third, and green and grey on the fourth.

Hopefully this makes it easier to compare the designs.


And here’s the full set of three, affirmative, interrogative and negative, so you can see how that would work with the three colours.


Well, I’m still very new to learning Welsh, using AutoMagic, and very much not at the stage of needing flashcards myself, but I do use flashcards for other languages.

I did see the difference, but your subsequent posts do make it clearer and easier to compare.

My personal preference is for the second one (version 2) as the existence of just the relevant colour at the bottom of the card reinforces the symbol, which then gives a nice, quick visual reference alongside the “key” of the abbreviation which serves to decode both symbol and colour-block.

Nice work, by the way :smiley:


Thanks, Valerie!

I like version 4.

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Thanks Suw
I’m with valerie-8, version 2, just the one colour at bottom makes sense. Looks great best of luck with the rest…

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Thanks for the feedback on the section at the bottom of the cards. I’ve completed a set for the first person for six tenses. Each tense has seven sets of cards, largely because I read somewhere that you need to see a word seven times before you stand a chance of remembering it!

Please do feel free to take a look and give me feedback.

  1. First person singular, present plus verbnoun

  2. First person perfect, perfect plus verbnoun https://www.canva.com/design/DAGPEtPC2SA/hw4XYP4MyS5y0JoqHeP0IQ/view

  3. First person imperfect (past) plus verbnoun https://www.canva.com/design/DAGPKaHhDLI/ftmuszIXWbuLzzoSMVQ-_g/view

  4. First person singular, pluperfect plus verbnoun

  5. First person singular, future plus verbnoun

  6. First person singular, future perfect plus verbnoun

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Wow! You’ve done a lot of work there. Just a couple of little things -

golchi llestri is usually golchi’r llestri
llosgi is misspelt in Series 05

Da iawn ti! :clap:

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Diolch yn fawr iawn! I was hoping someone might pick up any typos.

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