Just sent my first tweet in Welsh - to S4C. And got a reply (which I mostly understood)
Da iawn!
Diolch! Don’t think I made any mistakes in it - at least no one pointed out any Nice confidence boost.
Da iawn ti!.
Tweeting to Radio Cymru is also useful thingg. They always reply and even read tweets live on the program. If you do not understand something there is always uncle Google Translate to help a bit although I recomment trying hard to understand first. In time you just get used to all kinds of replies and learn to write more complex tings/tweets with that. {believe me … twitter addict knnows how it goes }.
Da iawn!!
I don’t tweet or facebook in any language. I use e-mail and this forum. Am I really losing out so much? I hear so much about nasty people on twitter and facebook and I spend too little time actually doing Challenges as it is!!!
I’d recommend Twitter to any person, learning any language.
The first thing I did when I started learning was set up a new Twitter account (@Dysgu_Cymraeg), with the tweet - Haia - Dwi’n dysgu #Cymraeg - help!?! (Picked up from lesson 1!!) I’ve then just gradually followed people who tweet in Welsh and tweeted to them.
I have picked up loads from this, and it is a great opportunity to practice the stuff you learn in the lessons.
I live in England, but I can interact with 700 people in Welsh just by turning my computer / phone on.
It also helps you to keep things ticking over in your head if you lose motivation to do the lessons - (I’m actually in one of these stages right now).
I haven’t had one bit of abuse on there… The trolls don’t speak Welsh!
Yep. I live in a part of Wales where the language and its associated culture is very weak indeed. Without social networking to keep me in contact with the wider Welsh World, I really don’t know where I would be. (Demanding the family uproots and moves to Aberystwyth, probably.)
As long as you are selective, and don’t get too involved in politics (which is an utter nightmare on Facebook in particular) social networking is a hugely positive tool for the Welsh learner.
Now I remember very well (sorry, my memory is lausy sometimes)! You were the one recommending SSiW to me and gave me link to lesson guides!
Yes, people, this is result of twitter, tweets and TwitterFriends/followers. If there would not be @daverogers it’s much possible there wouldn’t be me on here or I’d come MUCH later eventually missing my first ever bwtcamp!
One more to thank to for my Cymraeg journey!
And as Dave says, twitter is useful thing for learners. I sometimes tend to tweet in 3 or 4 languages at once (sentences have to be short though).
So, one more time (as I’ve said before) Da iawn ti, @ElenTylwythTeg. Keep on tweeting and you’ll see how this can keep you motivated for learning all the time. At least it keeps me.
I didn’t encounter any horrassement or bad thing on either social network, but as @robbruce says, it’s better to avoid politics if you don’t intend to be involved too much or even dragged into nasty ways of policy (which can quickly become a nightmare in deed).
@tatjana - Haia! Sut mae pethe yn Slofenia!?! Wyt ti wedi gweld fy nghyfrif @AwrYDysgwyr ? Pob Nos Lun (21.00-22.00 yma, felly 23.00-00.00 yn Ljubljana dwi’n meddwl.) Sgwrsiau, gofyn cwestiynau, rhannu syniadau defnyddio #aydysgwyr . Bydd gwych dy weld di yno!
Haia @daverogers. Mae pethe yn Slofenia yn mwy neu lai yn dda. Bydda i’n gweld popeth beth sy’n digwydd phan dw i’n dod nôl i’r gwaith
Na … dilyn nawr … bydda i’n dod. :), diolch.
I did think about a twitter account for learning Welsh but I already have two (personal and work) and it gets confusing. I’ll try to tweet a bit more in Welsh now that I’ve done it once
To @daverogers and @tatjana, well that story is one hell of a recommendation for Twitter!! If I owe all the help I’ve had from @tatjana to it, it must be good!! I’m not going to leap in, but I’ll keep it in mind and it seems Cymraeg keeps nuisance away on line as well as on the telephone!
Dave, have you signed the petition to keep funding for S4C?