Ffaelu and sa i, so hi etc

How well-used are the above forms compared to dw i ddim yn gallu, allaf i ddim, dw i ddim yn etc. etc.

I’m finding it incredibly hard to remember to use them and means I have to pause the lesson to construct the sentence instead of just saying what comes naturally.

With other forms like dishgwl I’ve managed to correct my tendency to still say edrych but the forms listed above aren’t sinking in.

I live in South-East Wales if that helps. If its just a matter of not sounding like a born-and-raised native speaker I can live with that! :slight_smile:

I can’t give you a statistical comparison, but especially in the south, these forms are heard. But these forms are completely optional, so you are fine using whatever comes to mind first. It’s just good to know these alternatives, so you’re not thrown for a loop if your conversation partner happens to use them.

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OK, that’s good to know. I think I will stick with the ones I use for now, as I don’t know enough Welsh speakers to follow there example yet.

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I rarely use these as I also find it easier to stick to the more ‘traditional’ ones. In terms of how often they are used then watch Pobol y Cwm and you will find them used in each episode though not by all of the actors.


This is exactly what I did - I said “dwi ddim eisiau” and the recording said “sai’n moyn”, and I thought “We’re all good” and moved on.

I live in Cardiff and it’s a right old melting pot here - I know and work with people from all over Wales who all talk in different ways. It’s all good!


Yes! Exactly the same here! I work with tourists from across Wales too. I’ve been worried for a while about which word or phrase to use myself when I speak so I think I should just pick one and go with it from now on!


Great plan! The only time I adjust is when I’m talking to my great-nieces, who look a bit confused if I use Hwntw words (they’re only 5 and 2!) so I’m continually translating to Gog :laughing:

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