Fallen off the wagon again

Hi All,
I’ve fallen off the wagon in recent weeks and I need some encouragement to get back into the routine. I’m up to date with the Challenges but I keep forgetting things from weeks back. Eg: I recognise words when I hear them spoken but I can’t remember their meaning in English! So I can’t really translate anything.
Suggestions and advice welcome.
Many thanks


Me too - and I’ve been speaking Welsh fluently as a second language for years!

Some words - even frequently used ones - can often seem like they’re never going to stick, but over time they will… although you maybe won’t notice because by then they’ll have been replaced by other words which seem like they’re never going to stick… and so on!

So don’t worry - you haven’t fallen off the wagon at all - you’ve just gone over a bump and shifted off the comfy part of the seat, which is a perfectly normal part of the journey! :slight_smile:


Thanks so much for the words of encouragement :grinning:


I know what you mean about forgetting words, I seem to make the same mistakes over and over but don’t be discouraged. Think about what you have achieved, I surprise myself sometimes when I remember something I’d thought I’d forgotten, like the wrong word sometimes :slight_smile:


I think I’ve come up with a partial solution to my problem. I’m typing up all the vocabulary into an Excel spreadsheet and then I can search the word or sentence that is bugging me. For example "Dwi wedi bod yn dysgu’ has been spinning round my head for days and I couldn’t remember the meaning ! Now thanks to my spreadsheet the problem is (sort of) solved.

Syniad da, good idea. I’ve got the list of level three vocab on my phone I’m going to try to remember to look over it and put some sentences together every day. Even if it’s a short time I think the practice will help a lot. I started writing down the vocab when I was doing level 1 and 2 but stopped thinking I didnt need to. But Ive changed my mind