Events in Sir Gâr (Carmarthenshire) 2024

This is the place to post any events of interest to Welsh learners happening in Sir Gâr (Carmarthenshire). Let others know if you’re thinking of going to something and it could be an opportunity to get to know other Welsh learners / new speakers in your area.


A message from Nia ap Tegryn, Menyter Iaith Gorllewin Sir Gâr:

I’m contacting you with good news and a unique opportunity to take part in a quiz especially for people who are learning Welsh at all levels. The mentrau iaith across Wales organise the quiz in local locations and then the winners of the local rounds will be offered to go on to the final round at the National Eisteddfod in Pontypridd in August and get a ticket to enter the maes for free. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO GO TO THE EISTEDDFOD – IT’S YOUR CHOICE!

Our local round is being held on Thursday, 13th June at the Sqwâr pub, Newcastle Emlyn at 7 o’clock (see this poster). The quiz is for teams of up to 4. It would be great to welcome you to the Sgwâr on the 13th and we would appreciate it if you could share the message with EVERYONE and encourage others to come too. Welsh speakers are welcome and we’d be happy to ask the questions bilingually if there is someone who is just starting to learn.

If you are able to join us, we would be extremely grateful if you could let us know by replying to Nic Dafis (nic [at]

Here’s a lovely opportunity for people who can get into Carmarthen - a tour for Welsh learners around S4C’s headquarters in Yr Egin (which also has a whole bunch of other interesting things going on). They’ve sent me a jpeg to share, so the link isn’t clickable. So here it is if you want to find out more information: (That’s the Welsh page - you can toggle to English at the top right of the screen if you want to.)