Events in Sir Benfro 2024

Just moving this thread here to be in the same section as the other “Events in …” threads :slight_smile:

Here’s a new thread to start the year! Some events here will be organised by Menter Sir Benfro, but anyone is welcome to post about events they know about. Welsh is on the increase in Sir Benfro!!

The first event is for advanced learners / new Welsh speakers wanting to increase their writing skills, so not suitable for newer learners.

Dydd Sadwrn, 27 Ionawr 2024

Gweithdy Ysgrifennu Cymraeg - Brithdir Mawr

Ar gyfer oedolion sydd eisiau ysgrifennu yn Gymraeg

Dewch i fwynhau prynhawn o ymarferion sgrifennu fydd yn denu’r dychymyg

Yn addas i siaradwyr rhugl a dysgwyr Lefel Uwch

Dydd Sadwrn 27ain Ionawr 2024
10.00 - 4.15 Te a choffi yno. Dewch brechdan
Tâl: £10.00

Ble: Brithdir Mawr, Ffordd Cilgwyn, Trefdraeth, Sir Benfro SA42 0QJ

I gofrestru:
Dyddiad cau: 24/01/24

This walk was planned for last Friday, but has been postponed until this Friday - 26 January - due to the atrocious weather last week.

All the other details are still the same and it’s a lovely part of Sir Benfro to go for a walk!

This sounds an absolute treat for the more advanced learners / new Welsh speakers among you!


We’re delighted to announce that Hedd Ladd Lewis is returning to the Canolfan to lead his second local history course this January!

The course will begin on Wednesday the 24th of January at 7.00pm, and will run fortinghtly for 7 sessions. This course is held through the medium of Welsh, and is suitable for proficient learners. It is not a repeat of the first course. Tea/Coffee and biscuits will be provided.

The cost of the course is £30.00, or £5.00 per session. Depending on the demand, then the first cost option may be prioritised.

To secure your place, please email

Come and lend a hand with the Llwynihirion Community Garden on Sunday 11th February from 10 to 4. Whatever time you can spare, half an hour or three. Everyone welcome, refreshments will be available to warm you up and keep you going. Gardening tools are provided.

Tickets are on sale now for this event. It looks like it will be amazing!

Waldo Williams Society
Walk ‘Following Waldo’s Paths’
Saturday 25 May 11am
meet in Pisga car park, Llandysilio
A short walk around Llandysilio i visit significant places in Waldo’s life.
Only a one-way walk.
Cuppa and chat in the vestry to follow.

A special welcome to learners and new speakers
(You don’t have to be a member of the Waldo society)

Other walks in the series
29 June - Capel Millin, 27 July - Weun Cas’Mael

Clonc a Choffi Ardal Abergwaun ac Arberth

Cwrdd yng nghaffi Mannings ar y Wesh, Abergwaun, ar yr ail ddydd Mercher bob mis 2-3yp. Croeso i bawb- siaradwyr rhugl a dysgwyr o bob lefel.Dewch i ymarfer eich Cymraeg mewn awyrgylch ymlaciedig ac anffurfiol.
We meet in Mannings cafe on West Street, Fishguard, on the second Wednesday every month 2-3 pm.
Cyfarfod nesaf / Next meeting 12/6/24

All welcome including learners at all levels. Come and practise your Welsh in a relaxed and informal atmosphere.

Yn Arberth rydym yn cwrdd yng Nghanolfan Celfyddydau Span ar yr ail ddydd Gwener bob mis 10.30-12.00 canol dydd. Dewch â’ch diod eich hun os gwelwch yn dda!
In Narberth we meet in the Span Arts building on the second Friday each month 10.30-12.00 noon. Please bing your own beverage!
Cyfarfod nesaf/Next meeting 14/6/24

A new Coffee and Chat opportunity in a beautiful location! This date has passed, but I think the intention is to hold them each Wednesday. Contact Menter Rhidian on the email below for more information.


We are pleased to announce that Coffi Cymraeg will return to Cafe Torch.
Whether you are just starting out learning the Welsh language or are more experienced and want to practice your vocabulary, these Coffee Mornings, set in a relaxed environment, are a great place to meet fellow Welsh speakers and learners.
There is no cost to come along and join in. We only ask that if you can, you purchase a tea or coffee from the Cafe to help support the Torch and our community activites.
We look forward to seeing you again on the second Tuesday of the month Learn Welsh Pembrokeshire-Dysgu Cymraeg Sir Benfro

Bore Coffi Phoenix Bowl, Bob Bore Sadwrn 1af y mis. 10 - 12: Caffi Phoenix Bowl, Cei Discovery Quay, Aberdaugleddau, SA73 3AF. Cysylltwch Cefin 07866 713607, Conrad 07748 116669

Bore Coffi’r Torch, Yr 2ail ddydd mawrth y mis am 11: Caffi Theatr y Torch, Heol St Peter’s Road, Aberdaugleddau ,SA73 2BU Cysylltwch Anwen 01646 695267

Bore Coffi Llyfrgell Aberdaugleddau. Bob 3ydd bore Sadrwn y mis, 10.30 - 12: Llyfrgell Aberdaugeleddau, Llys Cedar Court, Hakin, SA73 3LS Cysylltwch Emma 01437 771888

Noson Cymraeg “Trafod yn y Tŷ”. Bob 3ydd nos Fercher y mis, 8 - 10. Bar Gwesty Tŷ, Cei Nelson Quay, Aberdaugleddau, SA73 3AA. Cysylltwch Meic

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Diolch am y rhain, @DiMatthews! Thanks for those!

Good to see that Conrad is still involved in the Bore Coffi in Phoenix Bowl. I went there a couple of times with him when I was visiting from Llandysul, quite a few years ago now!


Neuadd Maenclochog, nos Wener, Mehefin 21 7.30pm

Mae Clychau Clochog yn cyflwyno, am y tro cyntaf yn Sir Benfro:

a’r Maestro Jencyn Corp

Anrhegu enwogion Ileol

Tâl: £10 wrth y drws Plant am ddim

Cefnogi elusennau lleol

Taith gerdded flynyddol trannoeth 10 a.m. BwIch-gwynt

Tudalen Facebook Parti Camddwr

Musical evening in Maenclochog, with a group who have never performed in Sir Benfro before! The walk the following day is an annual event marking the successful campaign to protect the Preselau from being used by the British military.

Waldo Williams Society
In the 120th anniversary of Waldo’s birth this year a number of activities have been organised.
‘Following Waldo’s Trails’ Tour. Puncheston village, Pembrokeshire: Post code SA62 5RL
Leader Alun Ifans Tel: 01437532603
Meeting at Puncheston school Saturday, July 27 at 11. 00 a.m. Walking to the old school where Waldo was Headmaster at the time of World War II and on to Puncheston Moor. Back to school for lunch
IMPORTANT ‘Everyone to bring their own lunch’
and then there will be a tour of the Art Gallery at the school.

One for the teenagers in your family!

Welsh language performance at Torch Theatre - English subtitles available

Iphigenia yn Sblot
Profwch y clasur cyfoes Cymreig yma mewn cynhyrchiad newydd o bwys. Gadewch i Effie eich tywys drwy strydoedd Caerdydd heddiw. Camwch i’w byd. Cymerwch olwg ar sut rydyn ni’n byw, drwy ei llygaid hi. Mae bron i ddegawd ers i Iphigenia in Splott, drama ddirdynnol Gary Owen, ryfeddu’r byd: gan swyno cynulleidfaoedd ac adolygwyr fel ei gilydd, ennill gwobrau a dod yn llwyddiant ysgubol yn rhyngwladol. Yn fwy perthnasol nag erioed, mae un o ddramâu pwysicaf hanes theatr Cymru yn dychwelyd yn 2024, gyda chymaint i’w ddweud am fywyd yng Nghymru heddiw.
Perfformiad yn y Gymraeg gyda chapsiynau Saesneg ar gael ym mhob perfformiad. Ariennir gan Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru.
Bydd y ddrama ar lwyfan Theatr Torch ar nos Fercher 18 Medi 2024!
Am docynnau, ffoniwch Swyddfa Docynnau Theatr Torch ar 01646 695267 /

New Course-Reading the Mabinogion (Abergwaun)

During the course we will read the Mabinogion in the original Middle Welsh. We will use the book Pedeir Keinc Y Mabinogi by Ifor Williams. We will also use one or more translations into English, and, for some, a version in Modern Welsh, and grammar books. Information about these books will be provided during the first session. Each week we will read and discuss a short portion of text. The course is suitable for those who do not speak or read Welsh. Any discussion in the class will be in English, or in Welsh and English.

10 Weeks, 25/09/2024 - 04/12/2024. Wednesday 16:00 - 18:00 (2 hours).

Newydd ym Mannings

Clonc Mannings
Every Saturday morning in Mannings in Fishguard.
Starting June 1st 2024
An opportunity for adult learners to practise speaking Welsh in a relaxed environment. Beginners and native Welsh speakers welcome. Feel free to drop in for as long as you like.
Clonc Mannings
Bob bore dydd Sadwrn ym Mannings yn Abergwaun.
Yn dechrau Mehefin 1af 2024
Cyfle i oedolion sy’n dysgu Cymraeg ymarfer siarad Cymraeg yn hamddenol. Mae croeso i ddechreuwyr a’r Cymry. Gallwch chi ddod am ran o’r amser yn unig.
Am fwy o fanylion: Further details: Claire (Nid y Fenter sy’n trefnu’r Clonc)

Cylch Cinio Hwlffordd


We are pleased to announce that Coffi Cymraeg will return to Cafe Torch.
Whether you are just starting out learning the Welsh language or are more experienced and want to practice your vocabulary, these Coffee Mornings, set in a relaxed environment, are a great place to meet fellow Welsh speakers and learners.
There is no cost to come along and join in. We only ask that if you can, you purchase a tea or coffee from the Cafe to help support the Torch and our community activites.
We look forward to seeing you again on the second Tuesday of the month Learn Welsh Pembrokeshire-Dysgu Cymraeg Sir Benfro

My granddaughter took me to the opticians in Pembroke Dock yesterday morning and picked me up later outside the library. I had some time to kill so went into the library and was surprised to hear Welsh being spoken in a corner near the entrance. I couldn’t resist going over to see what was going on and found myself in the monthly meeting of the Menter Iaith group. I don’t know if there were any other SSiWers there but I was made welcome and enjoyed being able to join in if only for a short time. I will try to come back. Diolch pawb!


This is a BILINGUAL event:

Who can resist a tractor run? :smile: