Events in Caerdydd 2024

A chance for Welsh speakers/learners of all levels to walk in the park and “siarad Cymraeg” but the groups are limited to 10 people, so you need to get your name in quickly.

And finally a chance to learn ukelele, or increase your ukelele skills, and play in a ukelele orchestra!

This looks like it could be a rather entertaining night :joy:

Dwyieithog / bilingual
Tocynnau / tickets : Mared Swain event tickets from TicketSource.

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A monthly Coffee Morning in Caerdydd for Welsh learners of all levels!

Something for New Welsh Speakers

And for those who are still at an Intermediate level

Sadwrn, 8 Mehefin 2024
Bore Siarad Cymraeg (lefel ganolradd ac uwch). Dewch i ymarfer eich Cymraeg a gwrando ar sgwrs gan Marc Evans am ‘droeon yr yrfa’, yn Hyb Rhiwbina (CF14 6EH) am 10.30am.

(Morning Speaking Welsh [Level 2 or 3]. Come to practise your Welsh and listen to a talk by Marc Evans on ‘twists of the career’, in Rhiwbina Hub.

A new opportunity to meet others and chat in Welsh in Caerdydd - Y Sblot!

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Some activities for our younger Welsh speakers :slightly_smiling_face:

There are FREE Welsh at Home courses starting in September!

The courses are ideal for parents and carers who’d like to learn some Welsh to support their children. Suitable for beginners.

All the information is here.

If these courses don’t suit you, you’re very welcome to join one of our other beginner courses. All the information is here.

Or, if you’re not a beginner but you’d like to continue with your Welsh, please click here to see all the course we offer on every level.

Maybe you’re not sure of your level, if so, we can organise a level assessment for you with one of our friendly tutors. Book your slot here.

Also, it’s possible for some to have financial support while your learning Welsh. All the information is here.

Our team are always very happy to help – you’re very welcome to contact us if you have any questions at all.
029 2087 4710
