Events coming up in Gwynedd

We’ve had an email from Ifan Llewelyn Jones, who is the Language Development Officer with Hunaniaeth, Cyngor Gwynedd. They have some events coming up which are ideal for new Welsh speakers to join in and practise their Welsh with others.

The first is on 10th June:

Mehefin 10fed

Taith gerdded ar hyd y Lon Goed, nos Lun, Mehefin 10fed, cychwyn o Chwilog am 6.00 y.h. o dan arweiniad Ann Griffith. Taith gerdded hamddenol fydd hon ar lawr gwlad, bydd wedi dod i ben erbyn 8.00 y.h. Bydd lle i tua 20 ymuno.

A leisurely walk starting from Chwilog at 6pm, lead by Ann Griffith, finishing by 8pm. There will be places for 20 people to join in.

Gorffennaf 8fed

Taith gerdded o Lyn Tanygrisiau i Gaffi Croesor. Taith fynyddig o tua 4 awr i ddysgwyr canolradd. Mi fydd bws mini yn disgwyl i gario pawb yn ôl i Danygrisiau wedi paned a theisen yng Nghaffi Croesor. Bydd y daith o dan arweiniad Stephen Jones, sylfaenydd a phrif arweinydd cwmni awyr agored Anelu-Aim Higher. Mi fydd Catrin Roberts o Danygrisiau yn ymuno a’r daith hefyd. Mae Catrin, a fagwyd yn ardal Stiniog brofiad o weithio gyda grwpiau o ddysgwyr a gwybodaeth helaeth am y fro. Pris y daith fydd £5.00 y pen i gynnwys cludiant yn y bws mini. Bydd lle i 12 ymuno a’r daith.

8th July
Another walk but this one is more difficult and takes about 4 hours. There will be a minibus to take you back to Tanygrisiau after a cuppa and cake in Caffi Croesor. Stephen Jones will lead the walk, and Catrin Roberts of Tanygrisiau will join in. This one will cost £5 and there is room for 12 people.

Finally, on the 10th July

Gorffennaf 10fed

Taith o Fethesda trwy Fynydd Llandygai a drosodd i’r Amgueddfa Lechi yn Llanberis. Taith draws gwlad, oddeutu 7 milltir rhwng 5 i 6 awr. Mi fydd yno fws mini i gludo cerddwyr yn ôl o Lanberis i Fethesda ar ôl cael paned a theisen yng Nghaffi’r Ffowntan. Bydd y daith hon hefyd o dan arweiniad Stephen Jones ac yn costio £5.00 y pen i gynnwys cludiant yn y bws mini.

A trip from Bethesda through Llandygai and over to the Slate Museum in Llanberis. This one is about 7 miles and will take 5 to 6 hours. There will be a minibus to transport walkers back to Bethesda after tea and cake in Caffi Ffowntan. This one also costs £5.

I’ll post more information as it comes to hand, but you can contact Ifan if you’d like to know more:

01286 679452


edited to add - I’ve just noticed the poster doesn’t say where Caffi Kiki is - it’s in Blaenau Ffestiniog.




North Wales based group Anelu - Aim Higher is running guided walks for learners to practice their Welsh!


Ifan says that they had a good number of Welsh learners joining them for the last walk, but they’re a bit short for the next couple. They have some first language Welsh speakers ready and willing to chat with learners and give them support during the walk, so it’s a great opportunity.

They’re particularly keen to get a few more people to the walk starting from Tanygrisiau on 8th July, so not long to go. It starts at 10:00 in Tanygrisiau and you walk to Croesor. It costs £5 which includes the cost of the minibus returning you to Tanygrisiau after a cuppa and cake in Caffi Croesor.

The walk after that is on the 10th July, from Bethesda to Llanberis. This one also costs £5 including the bus to take you back to Bethesda. The walk is 7 miles and should take 5 to 6 hours, so you need to have some experience of walking in that kind of terrain.

I’ve put my name down for the walk from Bethesda to Llanberis on the 10th . Edrych ymlaen :slight_smile:

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On the first Friday of every month, Clwb Ymarfer meets in Tywyn between 10:30 and noon at the Magic Lantern Cinema (Y Llusern Hud) to chat in Welsh over tea and coffee. The next session will be July 5th. Suggested donation: £2.50. Gobeithio eich gweld chi yno!



The Heart of Gwynedd Art Festival will be held from 27/7/19 - 4/8/19. The festival is an opportunity to visit open studios and other locations in the Porthmadog and Blaenau Ffestiniog areas.

There will be 2D and 3D artwork including paintings, prints, ceramic, slate art, shell decoration and photography.

More information about all of the locations here

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Diolch! I’m planning on going to the Paned a Sgwrs bore 'fory. If any other ssiw-wrs are going, say hi. I’ll be the one who looks and sounds extremely American.

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