Español chat group using WhatsApp

I have been chatting to Tony Davis. We have been chatting and practicing Cymraeg together and in zoom sessions for a while. Now both of us have recently started learning Spanish. Very recently lol. But we are hopefully going to start practicing on WhatsApp probably in the coming weeks. In our own way we have been reading and enjoying Hola Lola. So if anyone is interested in joining us to read or practice basic español. Let us know here or in private message.
Muchas Gracias


¡Buena idea! I’ll pop a note in the next newsletter. There could be a few people learning Spanish here behind the scenes who would like to join in :slight_smile:


Muchas Gracias Deborah.

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Hemos empezado a leer, grabar y publicar Hola Lola en el grupo de WhatsApp :grinning:.

We have started reading, recording and posting Hola Lola in the WhatsApp group :grinning:.

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