The song for this category is Calon Lân
This is a singing category for more than one person together, i.e. from a duet up to a small group.
Calon Lân gan Côr Oniad
Calon Lân gan Lleisiau Lliddiard
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Calon Lân gan the Cacen Group
Vote here:
- Calon Lân - gan Côr Oniad
- Calon Lân - gan Lleisiau Lliddiard
- Calon Lân - gan Te bach dau
- Calon Lân - gan y Cacen Group
- No award
0 voters
Many apologies to all!
It has just come to my notice that one of the entries in this category failed to make it to the forum as it should have done. In fairness all round, I have closed the original poll and started a new one. Would everyone who voted before take another look at the entries and vote again in this new poll.
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